
ChainShadow is a comprehensive blockchain data tracking and analysis tool. Harnessing the power of Triathon's AI technology and extensive database resources through smart contract detection, ChainSha

Step 1: Getting Started

  1. Upon landing on the platform, initiate by connecting your digital wallet. This ensures a seamless interaction with your blockchain assets.

  2. Simply hit the "Connect Wallet" button and adhere to any on-screen instructions to securely integrate your wallet with ChainShadow.

Step 2: Select Blockchain & Input Address

  1. At the interface's top, there's a dropdown for blockchain selection. Opt for your desired one.

  2. Then, type in the wallet address you aim to investigate. Double-check for address accuracy to guarantee precise results.

Step 3: Fetch Initial Results

  1. Post entering the details, the platform auto-generates a primary data set in alignment with your query.

  2. Examine the shown data for an overview of related transactions, balances, etc.

Step 4: Refining Your Search

Though the initial results are extensive, ChainShadow provides various tweaking options:

  1. Time Frame Alteration:

- Utilize the date selector for customizing your search's time span.

  1. Incorporating Related Addresses:

- Users can add linked addresses to enrich the query depth.

- Manually insert new addresses as needed.

Step 5: Export Data

  1. Post obtaining the requisite data, ChainShadow allows data exportation.

  2. Click the "Export to Excel" icon. The data then downloads in a structured Excel file, simplifying further analysis or archiving.

How to use these contract detection services?

🛡Multi-Intelli Scanne

🛡Asset Risk Detection

🛡DAPP Risk Identification

🛡Contract Detection


🛡Bug Bounty Hunter

Last updated